Leveraging Artificial Intelligence – The Power to Know
Artificial intelligence (AI) and low-code application platforms are not only providing
improved and entirely new digital business operating models, they also provide
the perfect foundation for driving continual improvement guided by real-time actionable
insights. These insights allow for greater
situational visibility, improved decision making and more intelligent processes.
To support improved decisions, AI needs to be incorporated across as many of the platform applications as possible. AI tools can be used to continually uncover
and expose unseen connections about customer preferences, operational
performance and enterprise exposure to risk, enabling organizations to improve
customers experiences with targeted offers, continually improve operational
efficiencies and respond quickly to instances of fraud.
AI provides the capabilities necessary for becoming a transformed predictive
enterprise. Knowing what your customer wants before they do, scheduling
maintenance before a piece of equipment fails, being able to detect fraud and
understanding what marketing campaign worked and why, are all achievable with
the proper use of AI tools.
The Last Mile of AI – The Power to Do
So, what happens next? By leveraging AI, enterprises now have the situational awareness to know what’s happening and the ability to predict and prescribe action.
But what good is knowing what to do if you don’t have a way to
orchestrate what needs to take place after these events are identified? The key
to transformed operating models is being able to digitally represent all the
entities or participants within the digital ecosystem by creating a Digital
Twins of the Organization (DTO).
DTO’s provide a critical piece of the puzzle needed to support Digital Twins of real
assets; the people, processes and “things” as they exist in the real world.
Once you have a digital proxy of all “things”, it becomes easy to relate them
and orchestrate responses to events regardless of their source. It becomes even more powerful when you combine
and expose robust sets of data from previously siloed legacy systems including
IoT sensors, external partners and internal customer information to deep
learning analysis. Applied appropriately, this data can be used to both predict
customer needs and prescribe the next best actions or offers to take.
Bringing It All Together
Data can come from many different sources, but it is how enterprises leverage the
data that will determine who succeeds and who fails. The sheer volume of data
has gone beyond human comprehension. For organizations to remain relevant they
will need to acquire new technologies that support their digital operating
ambitions. That strategy must include the ability to continually monitor their business
ecosystem, from edge to operations, leverage real-time AI capabilities to
identify actionable events, predict and prescribe actions and orchestrate those
actions to deliver superior operational and customer experiences.
Arrayworks – SAS IoT Partnership Delivers
SAS and Arrayworks have partnered to deliver a complete IoT solution. From edge to
operations, we enable customers to monitor operations for critical events,
notify and orchestrate appropriate Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven
responses, and launch processes to track and resolve issues.
SAS delivers the Power To Know® and Arrayworks delivers the Power To Do. Together we deliver a powerful solution to achieve IoT driven digital ambition. To learn more about the SAS and Arrayworks partnership visit https://arrayworks.com/sas/.